If you are looking for Snake Juice Recipe For your Fasting then you are on the right blog page. In this article, I shared the 10 Best Snake Juice Recipe For Fasting ( Snake Diet Juice, Jojo’s, New, Original, Super, Snake Bite, Extreme with fresh water to the side, Extreme, with no fresh water at the side, Drink for kidneys Health with no lemon, A drink for the kidneys With lemon) that many people use for their fasting period.
The snake juice diet has been shown to be successful in achieving that goal. It is based on fasting and a rigid diet for a long period of time.
What is a snake juice fast, exactly?
The diet begins with a 48-hour fast, or as long as feasible, supplemented by snake juice, an electrolyte drink. After this time, there is a 1- to 2-hour feeding window before the next fast begins.
The Only Thing That Is Allowed During The Fasting Cole Robinson has also put together a snake juice recipe to supply the electrolytes your body needs.
The snake juice recipe has no particular standards about what you can or can’t eat during your drinking window. Fasting – exactly like high-fat, low-carb diets, sticking to a ketogenic diet can simplify fasting, as fatty foods provide satiety. Fasting can permit you to get into ketosis quicker with the snake juice recipe. Try to keep your meals fast and stay consistent.

Yearning and outrageous calorie limitations lead to weight decrease with the snake juice recipe as the human body is forced to use up its energy reserves. Usually, our body burns belly fat quickly and leans muscles at the same time to support the snake juice recipe.
Different Types Of Snake Juice Recipe For Fasting
It is necessary to strictly adhere to the exact measurements of the ingredients to avoid cases of food poisoning. Professionals encourage the use of snake juice within one to two hours as long as it “feels good.” There are several recipes for making snake juice which is as follows:
Snake Diet Juice Recipe
It would help if you went on a snake juice diet with the following essential ingredients for wonderful weight loss results.
Preparation Time: 2 Minutes Cook Time: 00 Minutes Total Time: 2 Minutes
Type: Drinks Cuisine: American Yield: 1 Serving For One Day Calories: 00 KCal
Keyword: Snake Diet Juice Recipe
To make a snake diet juice recipe, follow these ingredients:
- 8 cups (2 litres) Of Water
- 1/2 teaspoon (2 grams) Pink Salt Or Iodized Salt
- 1 teaspoon (5 grams) Unsalted Potassium Chloride
- 1/2 teaspoon (2 grams) of Food-Grade WinCrest Epsom Salts (Recommended)

In 8 cups (2 litres) water mix 1/2 teaspoon (2 grams) of pink salt, 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of unsalted potassium chloride, and 1/2 teaspoon (2 grams) of food-grade Epsom salts and drink. You should drink 2 litres per day, not more.
On a fast, you typically lose about 2 pounds (0.9 kg) a day for the first week, and then 0.7 pounds (0.3 kg) a day from the following week.
A snake juice diet does not help you develop healthy eating habits and cause weight gain after returning to a healthy diet program. Also, this rapid weight loss diet cannot offer all the vital vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, making it incredibly dangerous. Research shows that prolonged fasting can lead to acute health problems.
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Jojo’s Snake Juice Recipe
Snake juice is an electrolyte drink that contains an electrical charge that provides the body with an equilibrium of water and corrosive/base (PH) levels that help the body consume body fat for energy.
Snake juice is especially helpful to the body during fasting seasons, but consultation with health professionals should be done before starting to use this recipe.

Time: 3minutes
- Water 2 liter
- Potassium Chloride 1 teaspoon without salt
- Sodium Chloride 1/2 teaspoon (Herbion Naturals Himalayan Pink Salt)
- Sodium Bicarbonate 1 teaspoon (Baking Soda)
In 2-liter water mix Potassium Chloride 1 teaspoon without salt, Sodium Chloride 1/2 teaspoon (Himalayan Pink Salt), Sodium Bicarbonate 1 teaspoon (Baking Soda) and drink. Quantity per day: Not more than 2 liters.
You can look at my Copycat Chili’s Tito’s Punch Recipe If you’re interested.
New Snake Juice Recipe
Two liters of water, one spoon of potassium chloride, one half teaspoon sodium bicarbonate, half a teaspoon sodium chloride (Himalayan pink salt), and one teaspoon magnesium sulfate make up the New Snake Juice. This recipe permits consumption of the amount needed and drinking water is not permitted. The use of magnesium sulfate in the recipe is not required and it is safe for anyone to try. This recipe was first released in May of 2018.

- Water = 2 liters
- 1 teaspoon salt-free potassium chloride
- 1/2 teaspoon sodium chloride (Himalayan Pink Salt)
- 1/2 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate (Arm & Hammer Baking Soda)
- 1 teaspoon Epsom salt (Magnesium sulfate)
Quantity per day: Your need for the day, not limited to 2 liters.
Water intake: Prohibited.
To know: Excellent choice for anyone, and you can drink magnesium, or not.
You can check my article (What fruit goes in jungle juice?) if you are interested.
Super snake juice Recipe
Super Snake Juice is made of human urine. Personal urine is the one most commonly used. The recipe contains pure urine. A circular loop is formed which means that the urine that goes out is reabsorbed. Consumption of water is up to you and there is no restriction on the maximum or minimum amount that can be consumed. It is nutrient-rich because urine has two five hundred trace minerals. This recipe is especially useful for healing a wound.
Drink your urine 100. (Better to consume your urine)
Each day, the exact as that is released.
To be aware: Urine is a clear liquid. It’s a good source of minerals.
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The Original snake juice Recipe
It is comprised of one-liter water and 1 teaspoon of potassium chloride along with one teaspoon of sodium chloride. The consumption limit is two liters daily and drinking plain water is permitted. The recipe was first released in March of 2017.

- 1 teaspoon Sodium Chloride (Herbion Naturals Himalayan Pink Salt)
- 1 teaspoon salt-free potassium chloride
- Water = 1 liter
Quantity per day: Not more than 2 liters.
Water intake: You are free to drink as much as would like.
To be aware: If you consume 2 liters of water per day, don’t hesitate to drink a glass of water.
Snakebite recipe Or Snake Juice
- 3 ml of whiskey with honey flavor
- 20 ml of lime juice
Pour both ingredients into a shaker with ice.
Shake for 15 seconds until well blended
Strain the drink into a shot glass
Variant 1: The cobra
The flavor is similar to a sour drink, but it’s not as strong as the solid shot. It is both.
- 30 ml almond liqueur, such as Amaretto
- 30 ml of whiskey
- 30 ml of coconut water
- 30 ml of peach liqueur
- 30 ml of orange liqueur
- 10 ml of Smirnoff Vodka
- 30 ml of Dole pineapple juice (Recommended)
Blend all ingredients into a shaker and top it off with Ice cubes.
Shake vigorously for 15 seconds. After that, strain it into a large glass. Pour the juice of the pineapple over the top.
Variant 2: British Snakebite
Anyone can drink this beverage even without any cocktail encounter.
A shaker or ice hockey isn’t required for the beer. An ordinary glass of beer that fills up half of the glass
making use of almost any dried cider.
Pour additional black beer into the glass to finish it off. Enjoy and enjoy the drink.
Extreme, with fresh water to the side
The components required to make it are one liter of drinking water and one teaspoon of potassium chloride as well as two teaspoons of baking soda. The consumption of juice isn’t restricted to a single day, therefore it is possible to drink whatever amount one wants. In this recipe, drinking water is permitted.
However, excessive consumption may cause diarrhea. Also, it is not recommended to be taken for more than a few hours prior to a refeed as it can alkalize the stomach which raises your PH inside the stomach. This causes indigestion. Additionally, it increases the pH of the kidneys. This recipe was also published in December of 2018.
- 2 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate (Arm & Hammer Baking Soda, Recommended)
- 1 teaspoon potassium chloride
- Water = 1 liter
Quantity per day: Your need for the day, not limited to 1 liter.
Drinking water: You are able to drink as much as want.
To know: Can cause diarrhea.
Potassium is alkaline. Therefore, drinking it prior to you feeding it again, could cause stomach acidification. This can increase the PH and can cause symptoms of hyperacidity such as stomach discomfort.
Extreme, with no fresh water on the side
One liter of drinking water, half a teaspoon of potassium chloride, and one teaspoon of baking soda are used in this procedure. You can consume as much as one day if it’s not limited.
But, it should not be taken for a couple of hours prior to a refeed as it may alkalize the stomach which raises its PH within the stomach. This causes indigestion. It can also cause kidney alkalization. Drinking water should also be limited to a minimum, meaning that little or none of the water is required. This recipe was made public in December of 2018.
- 1 teaspoon Sodium bicarbonate (Baking Soda)
- 1/2 teaspoon NOW Potassium Chloride, Recommended
- Water = 1 liter
Quantity per day: Your need for the day, not limited to 1 liter.
Intake of water: small amount to nothing.
To be aware: Smooth to drink.
Potassium is an alkaline substance and drinking it prior to you feeding it again, will cause stomach acidification. This can increase the PH and trigger symptoms of hyperacidity such as stomach discomfort.
Drink for kidneys Health with no lemon
Drink for kidneys Health with no lemon is made up of one teaspoon of vinegar from apple cider, half a teaspoon of baking soda, and one cup of water that is not required. The quantity of the drink is not mandatory, but shouldn’t exceed two servings per day. It is easy to drink directly from the glass and is not harmful to teeth as the pH of the drink is around seven. The recipe was published in July of 2017.
- 2 teaspoons Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar, Recommended
- 1/2 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate (Baking Soda)
- 1/2 cup water
Quantity per day: Not more than 2 servings
Water intake: None
To be aware: The PH of the juice is about 7. This means that it will not impact the structure of your teeth. As a result, you can drink directly from the glass.
A drink for the kidneys With lemon
Drinking the kidney-health drink made with lemon is composed of four teaspoons of lemon juice and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar as well as half a cup of water. It is not mandatory, however, it shouldn’t exceed two servings a day. It is suggested to drink the juice with straws. The recipe was published in May of 2017.
- 4 teaspoon Lemon juice
- 2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
- 1/2 cup water
Quantity per day: Not more than 2 servings
Water intake: None
To be aware of the fact that it’s acid do not drink it straight out of the glass. It could affect the teeth’ structure. Therefore, you should use straws.
The benefits of a snake diet?
An inversion has found that the snake diet could be a treatment for specific illnesses like inflammation or diabetes Miletus type 1 and 2 as well as the herpes virus.
This juice is a form of intermittent fasting in part due to the lack of certain nutrition at that time. It is not just about preparing our brains for a strict plan but also establishing that mentality that allows you to attain certain results that are well-liked.
The first time you get into the program and beginning fasting may cause unpleasant symptoms.
This brief phase of transition of your life during the snake diet, transitioning away from burning calories to burning sugar may be challenging in the initial period due to the alteration of your metabolism’s normal process that starts by starving, and then production of ketone bodies to gain enough energy.
Is the Snake Diet Effective in Losing Weight?
The snake diet is a fantastic technique to shed pounds. It has effectiveness in losing weight so long as you adhere to strict guidelines.
If we consider insulin as an illustration: those with type I diabetes (insulin-dependent) tend to be underweight since their bodies don’t produce insulin. In addition, people suffering from type 2 diabetes tend to be overweight because they’re able to use sufficient insulin, but their body doesn’t know it.
This diet is suitable for those who feel comfortable fasting but it isn’t simple because it is based on the toxic substances in your body. The most important thing is to have a good mindset.
Side Effects of the Snake Diet?
In the case of starvation, when we are eating a lot for a long time the brain releases ketones, and the primary purpose of these cells is to supply the body with energy because of a lack of nutrition. The issue is the presence of Acetoacetic acid in the cells. Therefore, they could cause harm to our bodies due to the acid. Additionally, they possess a particular smell (acetone aroma). It is often detected in someone who is fasting.
The most important issue with the snake diet is that it prevents you from gaining calories and nutrients over a long time.
Expert advice for a maximum loss of the equivalent of 2 pounds every week and Robinson offers an estimate that a person can lose as much as 10 pounds every week. It could be that it affects our body.
The use of ingredients and the consequences in the event of failure to adhere
When recipes require calcium chloride or potassium, the cream shouldn’t be used. This is essential (not required) and apple cider vinegar needs to be natural and organic. Since potassium is potassium-sparing it is the body’s way of releasing potassium if it’s low in sodium.
In spite of the many advantages to health, it can also pose risks when consumed in a way that is uncontrolled, where it can cause diarrhea when excessive ingredients are consumed. It is due to the fact that it contains approximately 4000 mg of sodium which is almost twice what should have been consumed on an everyday basis. It could exacerbate existing kidney or liver problems, as well as induce high blood pressure.
However in spite of warnings from medical professionals against using it, many have been advocating the benefits of snake juice, claiming that it’s a successful way to lose weight, particularly Instagram models that talk about losing 16 pounds in just two weeks. That’s pretty amazing.
It is referred to as a snake diet as it is similar to snakes, it is the same as taking one huge fat-rich and protein-rich meal and then eating it for up or forty-eight to. The diet is also utilized by people who are trying to shed pounds since it’s a plan to fast all day long is possible while still consuming all the nutrients and calories that your body requires.
For a start, begin by going on a fast for forty-eight hours to eliminate all toxic substances in your body, remove cravings for sugar, and transform your body into a fat-burning mode. For the duration of these forty-eight hours drinking only water is the best option to be consumed by the body, as it plays a significant part in removing all toxins in the body.
Conclusion On Snake Juice Recipe
Losing 10 pounds each week (Estimation by Robison) is an amazing result, but it is important to be aware and cautious when attempting these kinds of diets. improper follow-up can affect your body.
The keto diet and the snake diet are very similar because both diets can lead to hunger and don’t provide enough calories.
We must recognize that we are not snakes and that our digestive systems are separate. Therefore, being treated as snakes is not a good idea and, insofar as losing weight is involved there are more secure and more comfortable methods that don’t have the potential for negative consequences.