If you are looking for the Best Cyser Recipe For 5 Gallons, 4Gallons, 3 Gallons, 1 Gallon then you are in the right place.
Sonoma County is the most diverse premium wine-growing region in the USA. Oranges tend to be specifically full of the Sebastopol-Forestville area, and apiaries being local quality honey. Apple juice and honey combine to make a great fermented beverage called Cyser – An apple cider mead.
How to Make Easy Cyser – Recipe for Apple Cider Mead

Ingredients for 5 gallons
- 4 3/4 gallons unfiltered Gravenstein juice or apple juice mix
- 7 1/2 pounds of Happy Belly Clover Honey, Recommended
- 1/2 gallon of water
- 2 oz. Nutrient Mead People Drinks
- 1/4 teaspoon Nutricost Organic Irish Moss Powder
- Adequate amount of acid mix to bring the total acid level to 0.5%
- 10 g. Prize de Mousse wine yeast
- Campden tablets to sulphite after fermentation is finished
Initial gravity: 1.092 (23 Brix)
Heat the water in your boiling kettle until it is lukewarm (170oF), turn off the heat, and add the honey until
Bring the honey solution for a boil, include Irish moss, boil for ten minutes; use a spoon to remove the
slag that forms on top. (Note: Heating honey in water instead of apple juice to eliminate the impurities of the honey, you will not put the pectins in the juice that will give cloudiness at the end).
Add the mead nutrient and cool to room temperature.
Transfer the honey solution to glass fermenters and add apple juice. Test sugar and acid levels and adjust
with the acid mix as needed.
Stir yeast in 1 cup of 80oF water. Wait 10 minutes and add the yeast to the surface of the wort. After 4 hours, stir
Ferment for 15 to 21 days at room temperature until visible signs of fermentation have ceased.
Remove the sediment from the cyser in a 5-gallon glass fermenter and add 3 crushed Campden tablets. Cyser age
under the airlock for 2 to 3 months. (Option: stabilize cold by placing the carafe in the refrigerator for 2-3
weeks before bottling to help clear the cyser).
Bottle cyser in alcohol bottles, wine bottles, or champagne bottles and age for the additional 12 weeks. (Choice:
Adjust final sweetness by the addition of sugar syrup to taste and don’t forget to incorporate potassium sorbate as wine stabilizer.)
You can check my 10 Best Snake Juice Recipe if you are interested.
Chaos Cyser Recipe For 5 Gallons
Chaos Cyser is our apple mead; it’s made with a dose of Vanilla to make it perfect for year-round drinking.
5 Gallon/19L
OG = 1.050
FG = .998
ABV = 6.1% abv.

- 6 lbs Gideon Spring Wildflower Honey, Recommended
- 1 Gallon Apple Juice
- 3.5 Gallons Water
- 1 oz. Wyeast Wine Yeast Nutrient
- 5 Campden Tablets (if desired)
- 5 packets of Lalvin D-47 Yeast, Recommended
- 4 tbsp. Vanilla Extract
Combine the first five ingredients at 104°F (40°C) stirring vigorously to aerate.
Wait twenty-four hours for the sulphites to do their job, then sprinkle the dry yeast on top of the wort.
Maintain the fermentation at about 86°F (30°C).
Add Vanilla Extract after 7 days.
Bottle (with priming sugar) or keg when bubbling has completely stopped (should be 8-10 days).
Enjoy in a week or two!
Have a peek at my 7 Best Adrenal Cocktail Recipe if you are interested.
Sparkling Cyser Recipe For 5 Gallons
(5 gallons/19 L)
OG = 1.058 FG = 1.006
ABV = 6.6%
- 5 lbs. Gideon Spring Wildflower Honey, Recommended
- 1 Gallon Apple Juice
- 2 gal. (7.6 L) fresh apple cider
- 1/2 tsp. acid blend
- 1/2 tsp. gypsum
- 1/2 tsp. Fermax or other yeast nutrients
- Yeast of your choice or Lalvin D-47
- 2/3 cup corn sugar for priming
- 5 g. champagne or ale yeast

Follow the same procedure as Still of the Night, except stretch to 5 gals. (19 L) by adding apple cider as you pitch the yeast. Age three to four months and bottle prime with corn sugar and champagne or ale yeast. Age cool for four to six months.
Cyser is a type of mead where all (or some) of the water used to dilute the honey is replaced with apple cider. I have made numerous batches of cyser over the years and doing so has become a fall custom for me personally. This is a basic recipe for a 5 gallon batch of spiced cyser.
You can look at my article (what fruit goes in jungle juice) If you’re interested.
Spiced Cyser Recipe For 4 Gallons
Batch Size: 5.5 gallons
Yeast Variety: Lalvin 71B-1122
Yeast Quantity: 8g
Target SG: 1.100
- 4 gallons of fresh apple cider
- 6 pounds of Gideon Spring Wildflower Honey, Recommended
- 1 Gallon Apple Juice
- 2 pounds of brown sugar (light or dark, whatever your preference)
- 5 whole cloves
- 3 cinnamon sticks
- 1 nutmeg, cracked

Begin rehydrating the yeast according to the directions below. Pour the apple cider into a sanitized fermentation bucket. Add the honey and sugar, this is certainly a brown mixture to break down.
Add enough filtered or spring water to make 5.5 gallons. Tie the spices in cheesecloth and place them in the wort. Add the yeast. Cover with the lid and fix the airlock.
Add Fermaid O yeast nutrient according to the schedule below.
After 1-2 weeks, place in a 5-gallon glass carafe, place the airlock and allow fermentation to complete. Put it back in another carafe and allow the cyser to clear. Bottle once the SG readings are stable.
Yeast rehydration: dissolve 10.00 g of Go-Ferm Protect in 200 ml of hot water (hot is better). When the water reaches 104 degrees F (40 degrees C), pour in 8 g of yeast. Give the grout a quick swirl.
After 15 minutes, start to temper the yeast by adding 100 ml of wort to the yeast suspension every 5 minutes. When the temperature of the yeast slurry is within 10 degrees F of the wort temperature, place the yeast in the fermenter.
Nutrient addition program
- Add 5.88 g of Fermaid O 72 hours after yeast.
- The final nutrient addition of 5.90 g of Fermaid O is on the seventh day after yeast or when fermentation has
- reached 1/3 of the sugar break (SG = 1.067), whichever comes first.
- About the Waldmet wineries
- Waldmet Cellars is an artisan agricultural winery in Jasper, GA that strives to make the highest quality mead and wines using honey, fruits, and herbs are grown on its farm and by other local producers. Their products push creative boundaries, highlight ingredients, and delight the taste buds.
Take a peek at my Copycat Chili’s Tito’s Punch Recipe if you’re interested.
Apple Pie Cyser Recipe For 3 Gallons
If you like hard cider or mead, here is a recipe that will give you a touch of both! If you are new to making wine or cider at home, this recipe is perfect for beginners.
All you need is a little time and patience – a couple of hours a night will be more than enough to get you started. In three to four weeks, you will enjoy the results.
Apple Pie Cyser is actually a recipe that I have developed that borrows from Melomels and metheglins. Once fermented, you can bottle it like wine or prepare it for secondary fermentation to lightly carbonate the cyser.
The final product is medium sweet (sweeter than semi-dry, but does not lose the slightly bitter touch that a completely sweet wine would have). It will be very drinkable at room temperature or refrigerated, you choose.
- 3 – gallons of apple juice pasteurized
- 2-1/2 – pounds Gideon Spring Wildflower Honey, Recommended
- 1 Gallon Apple Juice
- 2 – pounds of brown sugar
- 1 – Tablespoon Apple Pie Spice (McCormick)
- 3 – cinnamon sticks
- 2 – cans of apple juice concentrate
- 1 – 5 gram package Lalvin 71B-1122 Wine Yeast (EC-1118 for a dryer taste)

Place the first half of the juice in your main fermentation container:
Activate your yeast unless you are using yeast that can be thrown.
Start heating 1 liter of juice on the stove. Add the spices and add cinnamon sticks. Let it simmer but don’t boil!
While the juice is heating up and simmering, aerate the juice into your jugs/carafe/pail.
Once the juice reaches boiling temperature, remove it from the heat and add honey and sugar. Once it has dissolved, add it to the juice in your main container.
Mix the sugar/spice mixture well with the juice.
Add the activated yeast (tar).
Don’t forget to put the cinnamon sticks in the mix!
At this point, you are ready to go. Install the fermentation locks in the containers and put everything in a fairly cool place where the temperature does not vary much.
My cooking area stays at around 68 levels at all times unless we have the range on; this is a good heat range for this mushroom, this is certainly particular.
Primary fermentation should take 2-3 weeks. Usually, I will wait until the bubbling in the fermentation lock is less than 1 bubble per minute.
Time to transfer or bottle:
Pour the two cans of apple juice into the additional container.
Dissolve the remaining 1/2 pound of honey in 2 cups of warm water and then add the apple juice concentrate.
Siphon the cyser from primary to secondary, leaving sediment behind.
Prepare the cyser with the mixture of honey, water, and concentrate, then bottle.
It will be very well drinkable in another 2-3 weeks. At about 6 months, it’s great!
Once bottled, let it rest for the next few months, which can be 1-2; the cyser is ready to drink.
Apple Mead Cyser Recipe For 1 Gallon
- Small Fermenting Bucket
- 1 Gallon Demijohn / Carboy
- Funnel
- Siphon
- Bung & Airlock
- Hydrometer
- Thermometer

- 2 lb Gideon Spring Wildflower Honey, Recommended
- 1 Gallon Apple Juice
- 3.8 Litres Apple Juice (no preservatives)
- 1 tsp Yeast Nutrient
- 1/4 tsp Acid Blend
- 1/4 tsp Pectic Enzyme
- 1/8 tsp Tannin
- 1 sachet Yeast (Lalvin D-47)
Thoroughly clean and sanitize your fermenter and funnel if you use one. Put the jars of honey in hot water to loosen them all.
Inside the fermentation container, add the room temperature apple liquid and then carefully pour in the honey. Mix it well to make sure all the honey dissolves. At this actual point, you can easily have a hydrometer reading to note the OG
Add yeast nutrient, acid mix, tannin, and pectic enzyme and stir well.
Add yeast by sprinkling it directly onto the surface of the mead or rehydrating according to package directions. It is preferable to rehydrate the yeast.
Attach the lid and airlock and fermentation will begin after a short delay phase of 2-3 days.
Let the fermentation continue for a week and you will notice that the fermentation will start to fade, fewer bubbles will come out of the airlock. After 10 days, you can take a hydrometer reading and carefully suck the apple mead into a demijohn/carafe.
Most of the activity is over and the final stages of fermentation will occur in the demijohn. It is always best to keep the apple mead in the demijohn for thirty days or more while it clears. After a month or two, the apple mead should clear up and can be siphoned into a freshly sanitized demijohn for further conditioning.
The longer the mead is allowed to condition, the better. I would recommend at least 4-5 months, but longer it won’t hurt. Take a sample during this period and you can adjust the tannin or acid if you prefer.
Before bottling it is time to check if you want to sweeten the mead. Use this guide for more instructions on how to stabilize and sweeten your back. Bottle the mead and you’re done.
I like to put this apple mead aside for a few months before trying it. Like any fine wine, it will improve as we age and may peak after a year in the bottle or jar.
My other helpful post:
Frequently Asked Question On Cyser Recipe
What is a Cyser?
A cyser is a mead that has been fermented with apple juice instead of water, creating a delicious unique drink and more acidic. It is common to add other ingredients to flavor the cyser, such as fall fruits or spices.
How long does Cyser take to ferment?
Ferment at the recommended temperature for 7 days. Raise room temperature to 65-70F for 7 days. Age in the main fermenter for 2 weeks until clear.
Exactly how much yeast do I need for 1 gallon of Cyser?
Same principles when creating small batches of cider (mead and wine too). Begin with fermentation in a container larger than its volume of juice to ferment to accommodate foaming. Use 1 gram of yeast per gallon of juice.
Is mead stronger than wine or beer?
Meads range from 6 to 20 percent ABV, depending on fermentation; whereas wine and beer tend to have a much lower ABV.